Aside of Pesto #25 – Kobold Ancestry
Of course it’s kobolds.
The Kobold Ancestry
I just released my second Draw Steel product, the Kobold Ancestry. As with the Oleumancer, it’s in early access, and it’s free while it’s in its earliest versions (though tips are welcome and will go towards art and editing).
It’s exactly what is says on the tin - a playable kobold ancestry for Draw Steel - but it also includes six kobold-specific titles and my hope is to also include kobold-inspired kits and magic items in the eventual full release.
MCDM announced that they’re changing ancestry design to give every ancestry a list of options, selectable through a point-buy (like the Devil currently has). Once that happens, and assuming it survives testing, it should be easy to convert the current content to that system.
Playtesting Hiatus
I’ll be taking night classes related to my day job from the end of October through the end of the year. As such, while I’m still open for freelance writing and read-throughs, I won’t be taking on any play-throughs until January 2025.
That’s all. Super short this time, but at least I’m back to a regular newsletter cadence.